Arts Competition Essay: Thoughts Nowadays

As I sit and think I only seem to be doing one thing and that is going in circles.

I am a lost dog with no destiny. I find this way of life dull or unclear. I am unable to see any movements or a sign of any person. I am stuck and forced to believe that this way is the only way because I am not told otherwise.

I like to believe that I could escape and all the pain and sorrow would be gone. But as soon as the thoughts enter, they exit. For some reason, all my colors seemed to be gray, and black in shades of white.

I’m alone in this cold world and I’m feeling anemic.

Which way is right? This bewildered look on my face may seem as if I fail to realize the questions. That’s because I don’t.

My only occupation is to get lost and stay far from the norm. Time after time I tell myself this is only temporary. But as time passes me by, this is becoming reality. I psyche myself to believe that the more I think and apply, the better it gets.

I feel my only mission is to reiterate my down time. I try to lift myself up, but I am a corpulent elephant. My thoughts revert back to a time when the sun and the sky was visible. But those thoughts abet me to relive the anguish I’ve experienced.

As I sit and think, I only seem to be thinking. That’s the only thing I have time for nowadays.

Aaron, age 16

About Sandeep Junnarkar

Sandeep Junnarkar is the founder and editorial director of Family Lives Behind Bars.