Maya Pope-Chappell Bids Farewell

Maya Pope-Chappell

Maya Pope-Chappell

Because of another journalistic opportunity, I will no longer be contributing to the Family Life Behind Bars website.  However, as I bid farewell, I’ve gained experiences that will I’ll carry with me into my next endeavor.

Besides assisting Sandeep with maintaining the website, the experience that stands out the most is my position as the web radio host.  In this role, I was able to interview those that have been directly affected by incarceration: from a father sentenced to 15 years under the Rockefeller Drug Laws, to a grandmother who was paying hundreds of dollars in collect call fees.  As someone who has also had both family members and friends behind bars, their stories not only resonated with the listeners who tuned in, but with me personally.

I wish the website much success in it’s mission and continued commitment to bringing these stories to the forefront.

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About Maya Pope-Chappell